Staying Fit and Healthy at Any Age

  • Posted by Fitness Fit
  • at 10:18 AM -
Staying Fit and Healthy at Any Age

A happy, healthy life is possible at any age. Living a healthy lifestyle begins with adopting healthy habits – a process that works for everyone, whether you’re 17 or 70. If you’re interested in making changes and taking steps toward living a healthier life, or if you’re looking for ways to maintain your healthy lifestyle as you age, follow a few simple tips.

 Stay Hydrated

 Drinking water is an extremely important, but often an overlooked part of staying healthy. Water helps your organs to perform their various functions. Staying hydrated helps the kidneys to remove waste from your body and assists the heart in pumping blood throughout your body. Drinking water will also work with the gastrointestinal system to regulate bowel function. Combined with an adequate amount of fiber, this will help to prevent constipation. In addition to internal benefits, drinking the recommend amount of water each day will improve your outward appearance as well. Water is nature’s way of improving complexion and reducing wrinkles.

 The habit of staying hydrated is one that should be adopted as soon as possible. To get into the routine of getting the recommended daily amount of water, start by keeping a tally sheet for the number of glasses you drink each day. Simply make a mark for each glass and challenge yourself to drink 8 glasses each day. Try drinking a glass first thing in the morning and have another before each meal of the day. Soon, you’ll find that drinking water will become a habit that will seem like an instinct. You’ll notice the benefits immediately.

 Engage in Physical Activity

 An active life is a healthy life. Sure, it’s easy for a 20 year old to jump on the treadmill and run a few miles, but as we get older, our energy may seem to fade. The trick to getting that energy back is to get active. According to Health Magazine, a ten minute walk can give you two hours of energy. If you feel like you’re lacking motivation to get up and start moving, try beginning with some stretches. This will get your blood flowing and will prepare your body for physical activity. Stretches stimulate the nervous system which will help to boost energy.
There are a myriad of activities that you can engage in, even if you experience mobility issues. Exercise doesn’t have to mean hitting the trails for a mile long sprint. There are many low impact exercises that can be effective in helping you to get on track with your fitness routine.
 Walking – walking is easy on joints, but does wonders for improving your cardiovascular system.
  • Swimming – swimming is a great activity for those who suffer pain in the bones and joints. Swimming is low impact but is a great muscle workout.
 In addition to keeping the body in shape, exercise is a great way to improve your mood. When you’re happier, you’ll be more likely to continue making positive changes that will keep you on the right track toward being healthy.
 Get Some Rest
 Sleep is an important part of a healthy lifestyle at every age. Without the proper amount of sleep each night, the body will not be able to function at its optimum level. Sleep provides rest for the mind and body. When you allow your body to rest, you’ll also be lowering your risk for:
 heart disease
  • diabetes
  • cancer
  • obesity
  • depression
 While changes in sleep habits and patterns are normal as we age, daily exhaustion and insomnia are not normal. These are often signs of other health issues that should be discussed with your doctor.
 There are some steps that can be taken if you find it difficult to get enough sleep at night. Start with your bed. Sometimes, a comfortable bed isn’t enough. If you experience pain that causes you to lose sleep, look into options for a pressure care mattress that can work to effectively reduce pain while you sleep. Then, be sure that your sleeping environment is calm. Eliminate distractions and noises that could cause sleep disturbances.
Finally, be sure to maintain your healthy lifestyle during the day. Those who are active, hydrated, and following healthy eating habits during the day will find it easier to fall asleep and get adequate rest at night.
A healthy lifestyle is possible for anyone, Staying Fit and Healthy at Any Age


Written by Admin

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